Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Quotes of the week

Once in a while NEFLIN sends an e-mail containing information that might be useful for those of us participating in 23 things. There is also a quote of the week from a 23 things participant about library 2.0, blogging, or general observations. I would like to list my own quotes of week in no particular order.

"Electrons don't add quality to conversation or information. Change for change's sake does not constitute a plan. "


"Just how futile is it to add another (irked, overworked, smirking) voice to the plethora of blogs Out There? Is anybody really communicating, or are we just performing for one another on that vast stage the Internet constructs? Is there any difference between the stage and the audience? What, precisely, is the ratio of signal to noise? Who benefits here? Who loses?"

--Another Tree Falls in the Forest

"2.0 has possibilities and its moments, but in the end the purpose of libraries has always been the provision of dependable information in a timely manner. 2.0 is a collection of techniques devoid of content. The expansion of access to information is going to include access to a lot of stuff that is, to be kind about it, twaddle. Unless 2.0 addresses the question of information evaluation, it is not going to be nearly as wonderful as it has been presented."


And finally, since this is a blog and self promotion is inherent, from yours truly.

"When are libraries going to have a presence on eHarmony? Is that library 3.0? Or maybe <3.0?"



  1. TD,

    I'm sensing some angst. How does all this make you feel?


  2. GT,

    Angst, unlike your sessions, is cheap.


    p.s. Strict Freudian

  3. Dear Mr. Durden,

    Could you change my status from "follower" to "worshiper" ?

    In all humbleness,

  4. GT,

    In my blog you are a follower, but in my raging bile duct you will always be a worshiper.

