Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thing 13

The book widget on my blog is courtesy of LibraryThing. And unlike “2.0 libraries,” these books don’t have RFID tags that allow the government to track you. It’s bad enough that you track my reading materials, but do you have to track my location too? To hide your location you must soak the book in ice cold water, Goody’s headache powder, and two scoops of raisins. Just kidding. You should wrap the book in Christmas wrapping paper, place four energy crystals on each corner of the book, and use an EMP device to disable the tag. Warning: You must conduct this task in a lead-lined room. Otherwise, the EMP pulse will destroy all of your electronics and possibly cause amnesia, restless leg syndrome, and the compulsion to arrange your Star Wars action figures in order of value starting with the R2D2 chewed by your dog and ending with the Boba Fett still in the box.

p.s. Below is the most valuable Star Wars action figure ever!!!


  1. directions to your location:,-101.987289&geocode=&dirflg=&saddr=32601&f=d&hl=en&dq=carhenge+loc:+texas&sll=34.562141,-101.600744&sspn=10.79242,10.496536&cid=9004190063705807687&ie=UTF8&z=6&layer=c&pw=2

    p.s. what's the value of my chewed r2d2 still in the box?

  2. Hmmm, this sounds like a factory defect. In which case the value is greater than a pristine R2-D2 still in the box, but less than a C-3PO out of the closet

  3. So the same value as my uncle Elbert's moonshine still?

  4. Nothing, and I do mean nothing, can approach the value of your uncle Elbert's moonshine still. Rube Goldberg would be proud.
