Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Thing 15

I created an account and a search roll of my favorite websites in Rollyo. The first website I saved in my search roll is Little'A'le'inn…which is also my home page. It’s a great website that brings together like-minded individuals to discuss ufo sightings, alien abduction, or to purchase an alien babushka doll that would look perfect next to your limited edition alien chess set and your Faberge egg collection.

The next site I have saved in Rollyo is a website to stop alien abductions aptly named After an unsuccessful attempt to construct my own thought screen helmet using used chewing gum wrappers and rubber cement, I turned to this website for help.

Lastly, I have the NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) website in my Rollyo account. You might think it’s weird for me to have a government institution whose purpose is to track Santa Claus and deny the existence of unidentified flying objects in my search roll. But, as my father is fond of saying, “Keep your friends close, your enemies closer, and your family at a distance.”


  1. "alien babushka doll" is this a close cousin to the babka?

    p.s. yer at the most distance that my tin foil helmet can muster

  2. The alien babushka doll is not a close cousin to the babka. It does, however, come in two flavors: chocolate and cinnamon.

    p.s. It'll fit.

  3. Hmmmm... and I always thought it was baklava, having nothing to do with volcanoes or molten anything, but I've definitely had some awesome molten chocolate cake, which would make anyone's foil hat crinkle!

  4. My thought screen helmet has not been tested against Chocolate.

  5. Don't make me construct a thought screen helmet for a certain someone.

    p.s. Sit down!
